Professional Forest Management Services

NZFM - an independent, proven and reputable provider of professional forestry services to owners of NZ forests


NZFM is specialised forest management organisation that provides commercial forest owners with a comprehensive management service covering the full range of operations from forest development, protection and investment through to harvesting and marketing.

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Health & Safety

The promotion of health, safety and wellbeing is an absolute priority for NZFM’s employees, contractors, and stumpage purchasers. 

  • 80,000 ha

    Management responsibility including planning, development, protection, harvesting and marketing for 80,000 hectares of planted forest.

  • 4,500 ha

    Management of forest development programmes including 4,500 hectares per annum of restocking and new planting.

  • 7,000 ha

    Forest investment programs comprising 7,000 hectares per annum of pruning and thinning.

  • 59,000 ha

    Forest Stewardship Council certification covering 59,000 hectares of planted forest.

  • 1 Million+ m3

    Harvesting and marketing of 1 Million+ m3 of logs per annum generating a total sales of over $120 million.


“NZ Forest Managers (NZFM) has a holistic management approach. We are very aware that there are many natural resources located throughout the estate we manage. Preserving the environment and protecting the health and safety of staff and contractors are high priorities for NZFM.”

— Chas Hutton, Commercial Manager



Feel free to contact us with any questions.


+64 7 386 8757