Safety & Health at Work Policy
Providing and promoting a safe and healthy workplace for employees and contractors is a key objective of NZFM. We are committed to continuous improvement in health, safety and wellbeing and to actively reduce risk across all of the company’s operations.
Safety and loss prevention is EVERYONE’S responsibility. Reducing accidents and minimising loss are vital for the success of all organisations operating in the forests managed by NZFM. Benefits include:
Reduced personal suffering
Reduced equipment, material losses, and downtime
Reduction in associated lost time
Recognition within the industry
Improved overall performance
Reduced ACC levies.
NZFM will take all reasonable steps to identify hazards which could lead to reasonably foreseeable risks to health, safety and wellbeing.
A Hierarchy of Control is implemented to do all that is practicable to prevent personal injury and damage to property.
NZFM its employees, stumpage purchasers, contractors, and their employees have a responsibility to:
Comply with all statutory obligations
Provide and adhere to the safety management and training systems that have been put in place to enable everyone to perform their work safely and efficiently
Maintain a constant and continuing interest in health, safety and wellbeing matters.
Workers have a duty to co-operate in the implementation of this policy by:
Working safely and efficiently
Using the required protective equipment
Complying with all statutory obligations and Codes of Practices
Reporting accidents and incidents that have led or may lead to injury or damage
Assisting in the investigation of accidents with the objective of introducing measures to prevent a recurrence
In today’s work environment EVERYONE is accountable for the promotion and maintenance of safe and healthy working conditions.
STIHL Keep It Safe
KEEP IT SAFE is an employee recognition programme developed and introduced by NZFM logging contractors, who fund and obtain sponsorship for prizes.
Quarterly assessments are done by FITEC registered trainer and assessor Ritz Ellis.
Awards are presented every three months with major prizes each year for six categories of harvesting work.
NZFM has a full-time dedicated FITEC registered trainer/assessor who works with NZFM harvesting and thinning crews.
Drug & Alcohol Policy
NZ Forest Managers (NZFM) is committed to establishing and maintaining a workplace free of hazards created by alcohol and drug abuse.
The NZFM Drug & Alcohol Policy will assist NZFM to meet its obligations under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015, and specifically to ensure all potential hazards in the workplace are identified and managed to ensure the ongoing safety of all workers in NZFM managed forests.
SilviSafe is an annual silviculture competition sponsored by NZFM silvicultural contractors, the Lake Taupo Forest Trust, and the Rotoaira Forest Trust. This competition recognizes the expertise and achievement of employees who undertake pruning, planting, and thinning in NZFM managed forests.
The competition involves regular assessments of both practical skill and knowledge of the operation the employees are undertaking. For each category assessed, awards are presented to the top three achievers at the halfway point of the competition - as progress recognition - and the overall awards are presented at the end of each calendar year.
Additionally, NZFM sponsors an annual award for ‘Silvicultural Crew of the Year’ and ‘Silvicultural Foreman of the Year’.