Rotoaira Forest Wetlands
An Ecological Management Plan is in place to manage the Rotoaira Forest Wetlands. The plan provides for the protection and enhancement of the forest estate’s environmental values through the control, containment and eradication (where practicable) of plant pests within the wetlands of Rotoaira Forest.
Following pest monitoring work it was recommended that no animal pest control be undertaken in the immediate future. However, it was also recommended should the post operational monitoring completed by the local regional council identify any significant changes to current animal pest levels within the area then control work would be required. In co-operation with adjoining landowners and managers, NZFM have undertaken significant willow control work within the Rotoaira Forest Wetlands.
The eradication project then expanded into Lake Taupo Forest. This involved the treatment of willows within riparian areas along the major waterways in the forest. The programme started at both ends of the forest, from the Hinemaiaia Stream in the north to the Waimarino River at the southern end. Slow progress was made on willows along the Waimarino, but now all isolated trees have been treated. The operation that began in the north progressed more quickly with all waterways successfully treated down to and including the Tauranga-Taupo River. Maintenance treatment is completed where required.
NZFM are also keeping abreast of Department of Conservation trials using different methods and chemicals to eradicate willows.