Wood is Good!

Last Wednesday, NZFM has the pleasure of attending a session of the ‘Wood is Good’ programme at Kuratau School.

Wood is Good’ is a forestry and log transport safety programme developed for primary schools in New Zealand and funded by sector groups and the Ministry for Primary Industries. It is delivered to primary aged children to educate students on the many valuable benefits of forestry.

NZFM joined Vickie from ‘Wood is Good’ as well as Jonny from Shorts Cartage Contractors, who brought along his loaded logging truck. The morning involved sessions exploring the log truck and talking about how to stay safe around log trucks - Be Safe Be Seen! We also had in-classroom sessions with each class talking about the many different types of jobs you can find in the forest industry, the values that our forests hold, how trees grow and what they are used for.

It was a great morning, big thanks to Kuratau School for having us and Vickie from ‘Wood is Good’ for delivering this awesome programme to schools across the country.


Additional NZFM managed forests are seeking certification


October Update - NZFM Cyclone Response